4 Ways to Help Your Toddler’s Nighttime Routine After a Time Change

Mar 15, 2020 | Parenting

It’s hard to get your child into a bedtime routine, but especially after a time change has occurred. Adjusting your toddler’s nighttime routine to the daylight savings time change will take more than one night. However, if you make changes gradually, then they’ll be adjusted in no time. Here are 4 ways you can get your little one adjusted to the time change with ease:

1. Plan Ahead

The best thing to do when you know a time change is around the corner is to plan ahead. Go ahead and start adjusting your child’s routine. If the time is moving one-hour forward, then start getting them ready to bed one hour earlier than usual. If it is moving one-hour behind, then you can start getting them ready for bed on time because they’ll gain an hour of extra sleep. Either way, you should plan to start adjusting their bedtime about 1-2 weeks before the time change.

2. Get in a Regular Routine

If you don’t already have a regular routine in place, now is the time to establish one. There are things you can add to the routine that signal bedtime for your child. It can be brushing their teeth, putting pajamas on, taking a warm bath, etc. All of these things will signal to them that bedtime is approaching. When it comes to a toddler’s nighttime routine, consistency is important. Whatever you establish in their routine needs to be consistent each night.

3. Make Adjustments to the Environment

Dimming the lights in the room can help signal to your toddler that it is time for bed. There are small changes in the environment that you can make so they know bedtime is approaching. Getting them cozy in their own bed and reading a bedtime story can help them ease into sleep.

4. Use the Brave Knights Kit 

A really great tool to use when establishing your toddler’s nighttime routine is the Brave Knights Kit. The kit includes Sir William the bear, a storybook, and a projecting flashlight. All of these components work together to ease your child’s bedtime anxiety. You can read the storybook with them and introduce them to Sir William. They can tell their fears and anxieties to Sir William while using the projecting flashlight to scare away any monsters. The Brave Knights Kit can give them the reassurance they need to sleep in their own bed. 

If you follow these steps to help your toddler’s nighttime routine after a time change, then you’ll have them adjusted in no time at all. There is nothing better than knowing your child is getting the sleep they deserve. You can help them conquer sleep anxiety by buying a Brave Knights Kit today

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