Is Your Child Afraid to Sleep Alone? Here’s How the Brave Knights Kit Can Help

Dec 23, 2019 | Brave Knights Kits

Often when children are trying to get used to sleeping on their own, it can be a rough start. They feel the safest when they are with their parents. It’s very common for young children to experience sleep anxiety, especially as they are transitioning to sleeping on their own. You might find that during this transition, they can get really agitated when you try to place them in their own beds. I started the Magical Order of Brave Knights because I was experiencing sleepless nights all the time. But, we created something that helped our son feel safe. Is your child afraid to sleep alone? Here’s how the Brave Knights Kit can help: 

What is the Brave Knights Kit? 

Sir William’s Brave Knights Kit includes Sir William the Bear (12 inches tall), Magical Order of Brave Knights Storybook (hardcover, 32 pages, professionally illustrated) and our Projecting Flashlight (with eight images). The kit is designed to help give your child peace of mind so they can enjoy a good night’s rest. 

How does it work? 

All 3 elements of the kit work together to give kids the confidence they need to conquer their fears. Is your child afraid to sleep alone? Sir William the Brave Knight can help. He is someone your child can give their worries to. When you tell your child that he can protect them, their worried thoughts are replaced with happy ones. With Sir William the Brave Knight they can learn to conquer their fears! 

Remember to:

  • Read the Magical Order of Brave Knights storybook to your child before bed. Give them Sir William the Bear to snuggle with at night. Tell them to give their worries to him and he will protect them. 
  • Give your child the magical projecting flashlight. Tell them to chase away anything in the room that frightens them with the light. The magical projecting light helps empower them to clear their own room of what scares them. This is an integral part of helping them be in control of their fears. 

Don’t let sleep be a thing of the past! If your child is afraid to sleep alone, then we can help. Buy a Brave Knights Kit and give your child peace of mind


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