Everything You Need to Know About How Sir William Can Help Children With Autism and Separation Anxiety

Jan 13, 2020 | Brave Knights Kits

Autism and separation anxiety often go hand-in-hand. Anxiety is something that affects 1 in 3 children with and without autism according to the CDC. However, children with ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorder have some difficulty verbalizing what they are feeling. Some children with ASD are nonverbal, and others who are verbal may still have some difficulty expressing what is causing them distress. This can make bedtime one of the most difficult times for children with autism and separation anxiety.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, at least 40% of young people with ASD experience elevated levels of anxiety. They experience fears and phobias that can lead to avoidance behaviors or tantrums. This makes the child want to avoid what scares them, may it be a loud noise, the dark or a separation from their parents at bedtime or school. Most of these situations can lead to a meltdown due to a serious phobia of the event. It is important to recognize and treat anxiety in ASD since it has a great impact on the course and the core aspects of the disorder, exacerbating social withdrawal, as well as, repetitive behaviors. 

How Can Sir William and the Brave Knights Help Your Child With Autism and Separation Anxiety? 

Children with ASD thrive with a consistent schedule and a level of sameness to their lives. New situations can be overwhelming, but introducing something that is a consistent and calming presence in their life is helpful.

Having a companion like Sir William is helpful for children with ASD. His presence can help calm them down, especially when things start to feel too overwhelming for them. The consistent bedtime routine that you can establish by reading the storybook and using the projecting flashlight will help your child wind down before bedtime. Having Sir William by their side can help them while their experiencing separation anxiety at school or daycare.

Sir William’s Brave Knights Kit includes Sir William the Bear (12 inches tall), Magical Order of Brave Knights Storybook (hardcover, 32 pages, professionally illustrated) and our Projecting Flashlight (with eight images). The kit is designed to help give your child peace of mind so they can enjoy a good night’s rest. 

A customer left this testimonial after using the Brave Knights Kit: 

“Sir William and his special flashlight helped my five-year-old son with Autism feel better about being in his room alone. He loved the book and shining the flashlight around to scare all the monsters away. He even introduced Sir William to his other stuffed animals telling them Sir William is here to protect us. The bear and the book are very high quality. Sir William is definitely helping him to get to sleep. Thank you so much.”  -Stephanie

If your child has autism and separation anxiety, Sir William can help! Buy the Brave Knights Kit and give you and your child the sleep you deserve.

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