Is your child not sleeping? We started a business to help!

Jul 29, 2019 | Brave Knights Kits

We are starting a new business! It has taken my husband and I years of hard work to turn this dream of ours into a reality. I thought of this little idea years ago when my youngest son Cooper was having a terrible time with nightmares and anxiety.  I was on a quest to help him, to solve his problem, to put an end to his nightmares and all our sleepless nights.  I started with conversations with him, explaining that there were no monsters inside his closet or under his bed.  As I was telling him that nothing was going to scare him, he would be looking up at me with his huge brown eyes and chubby cheeks with such deep fear in his face. What started out as a nightmare had grown into a much bigger problem. He was worried every single night.

I got him a fish tank so he would have a light on at night and friends to keep him company. That did not work.  I tried relaxation techniques. Even if I got him to relax a tiny bit before bed, he would inevitably wake up multiple times at night and run down our hallway and jump into our bed. This constant disruption of all our sleep was wearing us down. He was having trouble in preschool; my husband was a zombie at work, and I was miserable. I was not my best mommy self to any of my kids. As I was trying so hard to help Cooper; his anxiety was beginning to grow.  What started out as his anxiety about nighttime soon became my anxiety.  As a mom the hardships that our children face cut so deeply for us.  Each night as the sun would go down, I would get nervous and worry about the night ahead. We used to say each night,” Night night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” As Cooper’s fear of the dark grew it turned into, “Night night, sleep tight, please don’t let anything scare me tonight!” I felt so helpless as a mom, I was failing my child and I felt awful for him.

Finally, one night after being up with Cooper multiple times I came up with an idea. It came to me in the wee hours of the morning. I began to think about what I do when I am worrying about something. How do I get my mind to rest at night rather than cycle through my list of worries?  I give it up to something bigger and go to bed. I woke up the next morning and created the first Brave Knight. I explained to Cooper that this Brave Knight came from a magical far off land to help him with his nightmares. He brought Cooper an amazing gift, a magical projecting flashlight (the first one was a homemade projecting flashlight my husband made) that would help scare away those things that woke Cooper up each night.  Cooper was very interested in the Brave Knight. He wanted to know all about him, where he came from and how he would help him.  Through Cooper’s many questions the story of the Magical Order of Brave Knights was created.  The first night we used the Brave Knight, I sat with Cooper with a soft light in his room. We held the Brave Knight together and told the Knight about the things that specifically scared Cooper. We gave the fears to the Brave Knight and let him be on guard all night so Cooper could rest his little body. We used the magical projecting flashlight to clear the room of anything scary. Wherever the flashlight would shine the scary things would go away.  Lastly, before we tucked Cooper into bed with his Brave Knight standing guard, we said a new bedtime wish. “Brave Knight help me sleep tight, please guard me all through the night!”

Cooper fell asleep with his Brave Knight tight in his arms. He had the magical projecting flashlight on his nightstand table, ready to help him if he woke up in the middle of the night. We all slept that night!! It was a gift that we all desperately needed. When we woke up in the morning Cooper was so rested and happy and his stress level began to go way down. His teacher noticed a difference during the week. After months of not sleeping I began to relax and not fear bedtime anymore.  It took a long time for me to decide to bring our Brave Knight into the world. We began to affectionately call him Sir William. When I finally decided that there were other moms and children out there who struggled the way we did, I knew Sir William was needed. It has been a long process with many ups and downs. Rob and I have learned from every hiccup and pitfall that has happened along the way.

Is your child not sleeping?

Sir William the Brave Knight is now a reality. If your child is having fear of the dark, nightmares or just needs a good friend to help them through a new and potentially scary situation then Sir William the Brave Knight is the answer.  He comes in a kit with a beautifully illustrated storybook that tells where the Brave Knights come from and how they can help your child. The kit also includes the magical projecting flashlight (now professionally made) with 8 images of Sir William and all the Brave Knights.  We have other great products available to accompany the kit. We have a boys and a girls blanket that is super soft and cuddly. We have a wonderful nightlight that provides a warm glow with Sir William’s image.  We have a cute cinch sack bag to take your Brave Knight on adventures to Grandma and Grandpa’s house or the park. We have a boys and a girls protection sign to hang on the door that warns everyone that your little Prince or Princess is protected by a Brave Knight.

If your child isn’t sleeping, it is our hope that Sir William the Brave Knight will bring you and your family the sleep and peace you desperately deserve.  I know the love and connection I saw develop with Cooper and his Brave Knight was exactly what he needed. His confidence and self-esteem seemed to grow leaps and bounds because he felt like he was in control of his fears.  Sir William the Brave Knight is your child’s new forever friend. Is your child not sleeping? Buy the Brave Knights kit today!

-Sweet Dreams

Colleen and Rob

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