4 Ways a Bedtime Routine Can Help in Supporting Children With Autism

4 Ways a Bedtime Routine Can Help in Supporting Children With Autism

Having a child diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be challenging at first. As a parent, you have a lot of research and learning to do to help your child. You stress and worry about them because you realize you will have to be their warrior. But, you know that you will advocate and fight for them every step of the way. My husband and I have been there. Although each child with ASD is unique, there is one thing that they absolutely need to thrive. They need an established bedtime routine. This is necessary when supporting children with autism. Without a routine, there can be a disruption of sleep that occurs each night. This can lead to problems during the daytime. Here are 4 ways a bedtime routine can help in supporting children with autism:  (more…)

Stronger Together: How to Channel Positive Parenting in the Age of COVID-19

Stronger Together: How to Channel Positive Parenting in the Age of COVID-19

This time in our lives right now is so difficult, so I wanted to reach out to the parents out there in the trenches with me. Since COVID-19 has started changing the way our daily life happens, I’ve been trying to stay positive. Positive parenting can be a challenge, especially during these times. Things have been really hard lately, not just for me, but for other parents as well. It is hard for our kids, our spouses, our relationships, and for us. But we have to stay strong for our kids and for each other. The truth is that we are stronger together. I wanted to write this blog to let other parents out there know that I see you and I know how hard you are working to help your children adjust.  (more…)

Need Help for New Parents? Here Are Some Words of Wisdom

Need Help for New Parents? Here Are Some Words of Wisdom

“There are so many times you feel like you’ve failed. But in the eyes, heart, and mind of your child, you are super mom.”- Stephanie Precourt

I love this quote so much, and I think it’s because, at the end of most days, being a mom can feel like you have so much more to do. There are days when I feel like I am failing or that I’ve missed things I should have caught. Sometimes, I find it hard to feel content with my performance. I think most moms feel this way. There are times that are easier than others for sure, but I always recall this quote to remind me that, to my kids, I am succeeding. Need help for new parents? Here are some words of wisdom: (more…)

Mistakes Happen and Other Words of Advice for New Parents

Mistakes Happen and Other Words of Advice for New Parents

As a new parent, there are lots of fears that can come into your mind. You wonder how you are going to be the best you can for your child. As a mom of boys, I can tell you that each day comes with both challenges and victories. Life can get complicated, especially when you decide to start your own business. After I founded the Magical Order of Brave Knights, I still took the time to be thankful for my role as a mom. 

When I was first pregnant, all I thought about was the safety of my unborn child. I would do anything to keep him safe. I listened to all the doctors, read all the books, and even took the unsolicited advice from anyone that offered it to me. The truth is no words of advice can truly prepare you for parenthood. However, I’d like to offer some words of advice for new parents just so you can feel at least somewhat prepared for the amazing journey you are about to embark on. 

Follow these tips:

  • Be prepared to sacrifice for your child. That’s what being a parent is all about. These sacrifices are not all bad. 
  • You are going to fail, but don’t forget to get back up. Life is all about learning from your mistakes. 
  • When you can do it, sneak in some time for yourself. It’s okay to practice self-care! 
  • Find joy in the moment. Even though we give up a lot as parents, we still get to receive love from a child. That is very special and fulfilling. 
  • Don’t give up a good night’s rest! There will be some sleepless nights, but there are ways you can overcome this phase. 

Here are some words of advice for new parents. Use all resources that are available to you for help. If you find yourself with a child that is having a hard time sleeping, then the Magical Order of Brave Knights Kit is a great way to help them overcome bedtime anxiety. And you can rest easy at night knowing they feel safe. 

How to Calm Anxiety Before Bed for Kids

How to Calm Anxiety Before Bed for Kids

If your child is experiencing anxiety before bed, then you know hard it can be. Children who are struggling with anxiety will be agitated, restless and have more tantrums. They may refuse to go to school or bed and have meltdowns.  (more…)

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