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Hey there, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or comments! We love hearing from our customers. You can give us a call or mail us a letter, and we will respond as soon as we can. Feel free to leave us a testimonial highlighting how you feel about the Brave Knights Kit. We welcome any and all feedback about our product. 

Please keep in mind that we are located in Northern California and are available Monday through Friday (excluding national holidays) from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM (Pacific Daylight Time).


10556 Combie Road, Suite 6352
Auburn, CA 95602


530-268-2598 Pacific Daylight Time

Frequently Asked Questions

What was the inspiration for the Magical Order of Brave Knights?

Exhaustion and my four-year-old son who was terrified every night of monsters in his closet and dinosaurs under his bed. 

Who wrote the story of "The Magical Order of Brave Knights"?

Colleen Marchi is a married mother of three boys who resides with her family in northern California. She holds a masters degree in Psychology and has always had a love of children’s books.

What is Sir William made of?

Only new material that meets all U.S. quality standards which are verified through rigorous safety testing at certified laboratories.

What does the Shield carried by the Brave Knight represent?

The shield itself represents protection.  The crossed arrows represent a Brave Knights courage to protect their Prince or Princess.  The heart represents a Brave Knights love and devotion for his Prince or Princess.  The Magical Knights Light (Flashlight) represents a Brave Knights determination to stand guard all through the night to keep his Prince or Princess safe from their fear of the dark and nightmares.

How do I clean my Brave Knight?

We suggest you spot wash using a mild soap, warm water, rinse and dry thoroughly.  Please do not put Sir William in a washing machine! He does not know how to swim and besides the armor makes him bottom heavy.  Additionally, please do not place him in a dryer. He is claustrophobic ever since being rolled down a hill in a wooden barrel as a cub.  Furthermore, he does not enjoy being torched (his words, not ours), while his clothes shrink as he is wearing them!

Can I purchase a "Magical Order of Brave Knights" kit in stores?

No. The Brave Knights are only available through our website and Amazon.

Can I replace a Brave Knight, storybook or magical light?

Yes.  Please contact us if you need a replacement item.

Where are the Brave Knights from?

They come from a far off and distant land of known as the Valley of the Knights.  Brave Knights who have guarded and protected young children from their fear of the dark and nightmares for a long time.

Why did the author undertake this project?

To help other Moms of young children get the desperately needed sleep they need and that they deserve.

My child believes there is a monster under their bed! What do I do?

Reassuring your child is the most important thing.  The idea of a monster under their bed is very real to them. Telling them that there is nothing to worry about does not work. I have tried it! Listen to your child and let them tell you what is scaring them, it is helpful if they can verbalize it and get it out. Then, you can explain how safe they are in your home. Let them know that Sir William is there to stay on guard. Next, have your child tell Sir William the things that scare them. Together use the Magical Knights Light to clear the room of those scary things. Your child will feel safe and protected knowing that Sir William will be on watch all night long.

How can I build a stronger relationship between my child and his "New Forever Friend"?

We suggest first completing the Knighting Ceremony in the back of the storybook.  This will immediately help create a bond between your child and Sir William.  Second, encourage your child to bring Sir William with them wherever they go!  The more your child bonds with Sir William the greater they will believe in his magical powers.  This is all intended to help them to build their self confidence and self esteem.  Ultimately, that means they overcome their fears and everyone gets the sleep they desperately deserve!

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