Award-Winning Product Helps Children With Sleep & Anxiety

Meet Sir William!

The Magical Order of Brave Knights storybook, Sir William, and the Magical Knights projecting light, (which projects eight images) are all included. Our Brave Knights Kit will help your child overcome their fears and help them feel confident and empowered to scare away those monsters who are hiding in their room.

Ultimately, your child will sleep all night in their own bed night after night. So, you all can get the sleep you desperately deserve.

“Sir William and his special flashlight helped my five-year-old son with Autism feel better about being in his room alone. He loved the book and shining the flashlight around to scare all the monsters away. He even introduced Sir William to his other stuffed animals telling them Sir William is here to protect us. The bear and the book are very high quality. Sir William is definitely helping him to get to sleep. Thank you so much.

– Stephanie

“My son had a very intensive surgery when he was only 3 months old, after 6 months after that we moved across the country and he has had night terrors since his surgery. His grandparents got him Sir William for Christmas and we have had no night terrors since that wonderful day. We are so thankful to have a bear who protects him at night and makes him feel secure! Thank you. He loves reading the book every night and hugging with Sir William until he falls asleep.

– Yolanda H.

“My son absolutely fell in love with Sir William and the flashlight is genius. He “blasted” every shadowy corner and fell fast asleep in his bed! He can’t wait to sleep with Sir William tonight ❤️

– Elisa L.

“Our son loves Sir William and uses the flashlight to scare away monsters. The book is very well written and has really helped our son to get to sleep at night. Thank you so much!

– Stephanie H.

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